So many people would love to resign from their permanent 9-5 jobs and get into jobs working from home part time or full time. I am sure you are one of these people who would like to supplement your full time job's income with a part time one as well. The problem that so many people incur is that they have absolutely no idea what sort of job they could do from home. Another problem is that once they find a work from home job, they are not sure if it will be sufficient or not to sustain their current or dream lifestyles. There are so many "get rich quick" scams out there that I am sure you are very sceptical of what job is actually a viable option for you.
2 Legitimate Work From Home Job Opportunities and their Pros and Cons:
1. Freelance Writing: Freelance writing is all about producing and selling your written content to book publishers, newspapers, magazines, advertising agencies and many more. Generally you will ge t paid per article or per piece, although if your work is of a very high standard you can receive a contract with a publishing company to produce many articles on an ongoing basis.
Flexible Working Hours: Freelance writers are paid for what they generate therefore they can work whatever hours they feel like working. It is up to you to decide how hard you want to work which is brilliant if you have other things on the go at the same time.
Freedom of Choice: You may choose whatever topics or assignments interest you.
Deduction of Business Expenses: As a freelance writer you will be able to claim business related expenses from your tax return because you will be classified as self employed.
Not Permanent: Many employers cannot afford to hire writers on a permanent basis which means that there is no guarantee of a long term contract.
Lengthy Hours: You may have to work very long hours and maybe even work very late nights as freelancing comes with deadlines that have to be adhered to.
Inconsistent Stream of Work : There is no guarantee of work so you may experience inconsistent streams of work.
2. Affiliate Marketing: This is without doubt one of the best and most popular methods of working from home to earn money. The process involves a business paying an affiliate marketer for providing the business with new clients and thereby earning a commission on this transaction. It can be a very profitable method if done correctly.
Free Membership: Affiliate marketing is free to sign up to.
No Start Up Capital Required: As it is free to join you do not have to raise capital to be an affiliate.
Be Your Own Boss: You may work whenever you wish to, and because your business is online, you may sleep but it never will.
Supplement Your Existing Income: If you still have a normal job you can use affiliate marketing to supplement your current income or you can decide to do it full time and earn even more money.
No Overheads: This is a huge saving as the merchant handles all the customers and paperwork etc, so all you have to do is direct the customers to the merchants.
Commission Sharing: As an affiliate marketer you do not receive the full amount for the sale as obviously the merchant needs to receive money for owning the product.
Generating Traffic: You can generate traffic by using the free marketing methods or by paying for your traffic. The free methods are very time consuming whilst t he paid traffic can be very costly.
Unstable Source of Income: Earning income can at times be intermittent so you cannot rely on a consistent stream of income.
You need to be flexible if you are wanting to succeed working from home. You must definitely do some quality research on the different options available to you and then decide for yourself what best suits your needs or interests. There is a wealth of information on the internet and many different jobs working from home part time. However, I would highly recommend not quitting your day job until you have got the hang of your online job and have started earning an income from it.
Are the 2 job opportunities in this article legitimate? Most definitely! Can they work? You bet they can! Are they for you? Well if you are looking at simple means of making money online then I think you would be crazy not to consider them.
Next, click here to continue learning more about legitimate online jobs and jobs working from home part time. Fill in the form on the first page and then watch the free videos on steps 2 and 3 to see some of the Top Strategies for building a successful online business for yourself!