2012年7月31日 星期二

A Guide To Creating The Perfect Social Media Campaign

Social media can take many different forms, including Internet forums, weblogs, wikis, podcasts, pictures and video. Technologies include: blogs, picture-sharing, vlogs, wall-postings, email, instant messaging, music-sharing, crowdsourcing (crowd outsourcing), and voice over IP, to name a few.

Examples of social media applications are Google Groups (reference, social networking), Wikipedia (reference), MySpace (social networking), Facebook (social networking), Youmeo (social network aggregation), Last.fm (personal music), YouTube (social networking and video sharing), Second Life (virtual reality), Flickr (photo sharing), Twitter (social networking and microblogging) and other microblogs such as Jaiku and Pownce.

What is Social Media Marketing (SMM)?

SMM is where you use social media networking and user-generated content platforms to promote a product, service or content. SMM typically involves creating and participating in a "conversation" with the target audience, rather than blatantly advertising to them.

SMM can also include creating and promoting viral content that is meant to be shared by users. Many marketers are not comfortable with the lack of control over social media but when approached properly, social networks can be extremely effective channels for building product evangelism, reputation management or corporate branding

Why is it becoming so popular?

I believe it's simply because it mirrors our true nature. We are gregarious by nature and for once we are able to use technology easily to reach out and connect in new and exciting ways. It's still all so new too, there are new frontiers popping up regularly and it's a bit like the early Internet "gold rush" days during the 90s

Is every Social Media site for every entrepreneur?

They might not think so, but it is. You do it naturally every day, SM online is simply the same thing applied technologically.

How does a business owner determine which site is the best match for them?

Good question. Not all SM Sites are equal. I typically advise people to think "classical marketing" and don't let the flashing lights' fool you. Visit the site, pat attention to the conversation. "Lurk" for a while. Ask a question, see what happens. Each environment has its own rules. Blunder in and start shouting and you'll get flamed. Respect the environments sub culture' and you'll do fine. An obvious example of this in action is a site that caters to "gamers" you instinctively know that if you're selling insurance you would have a tough time in that environment. Like I said, think like a classical marketer.

Are there some "best practices" steps to starting and maintaining your SMM sites? And how do I make social networking work for me?

Social Media Marketing

Many a company has forgotten the old maxim, "Act in haste, repent at your leisure" The same warning should be applied to companies rushing to get in on the social media marketing wave.

If you hear things at work like "We should have a blog," or "Let's join Facebook," I suggest [respectfully] that maybe you are about to make a whopper of a mistake.

Here's why

Backwards is bad

You are starting your social media strategy design backwards and this will lead to trouble.

In any other business endeavor we start by figuring out what we want to accomplish. Social media technologies are not magical. They're just tools too. It's time to stop doing social media marketing because it's trendy and instead do it because it works!

4 Things to Remember

(1) The web is about people. You need to know your audience. Understand their capabilities, their hangouts online, their language and behaviors. If you're targeting business travelers then consider rating and review sites for example. Just don't guess

(2) Figure out what will be different when you are done. This is the "why" behind your plans. Do you want to create a close knit community or a product testing ground. Understand the motive's behind your actions.

(3) What outcomes and objectives are you seeking to achieve. Consider the end result and how you will measure it. A fuzzy or fluffy end result is almost as bad as not specifying one at all. How will you measure success?

(4) What technology to choose. Only answer this question when you've completed the others because then you'll know with clarity and confidence.

In conclusion, if you recognize classic business planning and management principles amongst these notes you'd be correct. The game may have changed, but the rules are still the same. Plan first, then act with confidence.

How long is this new type of marketing going to take to master?

The actual skills are quite simple you likely already have them mastered. What you need to learn is the PROCESS. That takes a little time, but frankly not that much.

What if I don't know many people to invite to my network?

No problem. Answer this question "If you are the ANSWER, what was the QUESTION?" Armed with that answer you can locate groups of people who would need what you offer. You can then invite them to participate and you can SHARE your knowledge and expertise to PROVE you are the answer to their problem. Use your favourite search engine to locate these people simply type in the QUESTION or problem. Remember, if people knew the answer they wouldn't be looking

How can I get business through SMM?

It's a funny thing when I'm asked this. We do it daily, so I marvel at the fact people think it's different online. Sure there's a layer of technology in the mix, but it's still about people getting to know people. Remember the old maxim, people buy from people they like and trust.

SMM simply enables (or should I say empowers) you to do this more effectively.

Why Most Brands Fail on Social Networks

A new report from JupiterResearch sheds light on what many online marketers suspected for quite some time. Most brands are failing to make impact on social networks

Naughton's Law states: "We invariably over-estimate the short-term implications of new communications technologies, and we grievously underestimate their long term impacts." Every brand should be online in the best way, know its consumers, and maximize the benefit of its online offering to those consumers.

Here are some startling facts from the report:

Startling Facts:

(*) The average branded social networking page has only 6,494 friends.
(*) Many advertisers are still building branded social networking pages that broadcast content rather than inviting users to interact.
(*) "Most advertisers simply don't know how to market properly within social networks." JupiterResearch

- New Research Suggests:

(*) You should promote your SM pages with paid adverts rather than relying on viral marketing to get the message out. Building viral buzz is harder than you think.
(*) You need to engage users on the page. Even simple forms of engagement, such as contests, on average doubled the number of friends acquired by each branded page.
(*) You must also appeal to social networkers' love of multimedia to get noticed. Social Networkers are twice as likely to visit a branded page focused on media content than a branded page focused on products.

How does the non-writer do this type of marketing?

It really shouldn't pose a problem. The Net is vast and there's room for each of us to be AUTHENTIC. Even behind the shield of a computer many of us seem able to sense a scoundrel or someone "putting on airs".

If you can email you can do SM. If you can talk you can SM. If you have a pulse you get the idea.

Do the Social Media Marketing sites have fees to pay?

Typically NO. I advise you to initially avoid any sites that ask for payment until you know precisely what you are paying for. There are some good fee based sites out there, but the good ones also offer a free version too start there if you wish. Let the results determine the level of investment you are prepared to make.

Are there some sites that you would recommend for business people?

Ning.com create your own' Social Media website.

Will I have to spend hours a day keeping in touch with all of the people who write to me?

You will need to invest time and energy in your online marketing. Whether it's YOU that does this or one of your staff is entirely up to you. But you cannot expect a "set and forget" solution to something that is inherently human.

How can I protect myself from "weirdoes?"

Be careful. Don't give away sensitive or private information online. You will always be exposed to some degree to odd people. I get some very odd emails and propositions, however you need to remember this is business, and although you are using "personal skills" to network online, never forget that.

How can I come across as a professional on these sites, and is it possible to do "real" business this way?

Yes. Publish a professional PROFILE. Show you are a professional and act accordingly and you will be perceived as such. Include family photos of you dressed as a clown at your kids birthday party at your own peril. Remember, online your "goofs" are eternal and will haunt you forever. Online reputation is area you need to tread carefully within. It's a bit off topic, but that's why I tell teenagers that they should be very careful about the pictures and posts they put on these social websites. Because in a few years the recruiters will be Googling them and this will be part of their "resume" and frankly it can be a career killer before it even starts.

Why do some people seem to get good results and others just get discouraged?

As with all things in life some people quit too early. Social Media Marketing and Social Networking takes time. It's like any relationship you develop with another human, rushing to the finish just gets you slapped Metaphorically and literally too!

Also, success online isn't about one big thing, it's about a cluster of little things done consistently with focus and commitment. The strongest trees take the longest to grow. Online things happen a lot faster, but still there is a time commitment, think 6 to 12 months and you'll be thinking along the right lines.

Is there a "fast start" strategy once I sign up for a Social media marketing site?

There is. Create a professional profile. Publish some content establishing you as an expert in your field. The readers' will approve and so will the search engines. Explore the active or "hot zones" within the SM site, pay attention to the type of communication and then dive in. Give first. Build kudos and credit before you try asking for anything.

To keep up, use technology to "feed" your SM presence from your other sites like your blog or website. I use technology to syndicate and publish my content to all my SM sites with the push of one button. It makes connecting and staying up to date a breeze.

Remember to invite your friends to join you. Add a promotional button on your "other" sites for instance if you decide to join Twitter, you can put a "Follow Me" link on your website. Connect, Communicate and Commit. Now rinse and repeat.'


Rogers Media All-Thumbs in Spamming "The Canadian Social Media Report"

Our team and followers of our series on Social Media, a review of social media marketing competency among select Canadian industries, are disappointed to learn Rogers Mobile Group has spammed The Social Media Report.

Our ongoing series has garnered thousands of reviews and opinions from our growing pool of followers, everyone from general interest audiences, social media professionals to the cited top teclo tech teams, Rogers included.

The Rogers team has distinguished itself again, once more demonstrating their incomplete understanding of social media fundamentals. As well, their spamming activities disrespect the basic principles of social media as a vehicle for the free exchange of ideas and opinions.

Here's what happened.

Rogers Mobile Group contacted us through one of our blog posts in an attempt to clarify or suggest we missed a few points. At first we assumed this was a benign overture, offering their view of how the ir social media marketing efforts have benefited the company or perhaps pointing out an oversight in our research. That turned out not to be the case.

Here's the initial Rogers post to our blog, demonstrating lack of understanding social media basics.

This is Chris from Rogers' social media team. I came across your report and had some information to share about Rogers' social media presence. To set the record straight, we've been actively engaging with our customers in social media channels for some time now. Some examples of the work we're doing in social media:
We have an exceptionally successful blog, called RedBoard http://redboard.rogers.com/, to which we have been posting regularly since earlier this year.
We recently launched RedBoard Biz http://redboardbiz.rogers.com/ for our small and medium sized business customers.
We manage several Facebook pages, including the popular Rogers Canada page http://www.facebook.com/ rogerscanada.
Our team is also very active on Twitter . We can be found @RogersHelps to learn from our customers and help where we can, @RogersBuzz sharing information about news, special offers, and updates, and at our own individual Twitter accounts mine is @Rogers_Chris. We also have YouTube channels http://www.youtube.com/rogerscommsinc and http://www.youtube.com/rogerscanada.
Recently, we launched our Community Forums, in English http://communityforums.rogers.com/t5/community/categorypage/category-id/EnglishCommunity?profile.language=en and French http://communityforums.rogers.com/t5/community/categorypage/category-id/FrenchCommunity?profile.language=fr, where we're dealing with our customers technical issues.

If you're interested in learning more about how Rogers is engaging online in order to learn from and better serve our customers, don't hesitate to contact me.

I looked at some of Rogers posts on the sites they suggested, and using the exact title from their posts, searched in Google to see the results. Keywords that would be suggested by analytics are not used, Canada, Rogers Mobile, etc, etc, etc. Instead, Rogers chose stealth titles to mislead users to their content, a.k.a. spamming.

Next, there was another breach discovered. What followed was Rogers posting their above-quoted message onto some of our posts as comments. They did this as a means to generate traffic and promote their own corporate merchandise. Comments are that, I would have assumed any professional organization would have started with please contact us to discuss your opinions. No they Rogers just marched along across our social media network posting this spammo-mercial

Here's a word of warning about spamming methods. There are ads or links on your profile pages, blogs, forums or guest books. Beware of innocent looking blog comments such as "Great post. Keep up the good work." The commenter is only looking for the link back to his site, which most blogs (including ours) do provide.

Here is what I sent back to Rogers on behalf of the Social Media Report

Thank you for your comments of directives to other sites maintained by Rogers.
In develo ping the series of articles we set a criteria from which to evaluate each site and or sites.
For a month we tracked each Telco Company, followed traffic, demographics, complaints, links, sites etc. This was not the work of those without knowledge.
The point which many on our other 860 Blogs and Social Network found was the following, which we did not post about Rogers.
I will share with you.
1. Complaints about Rogers; the largest amount of traffic in postings and the net overall. If you use link: or site: or other triggers in search engines you will determine our findings accurate.
2. Content was about specials and not a lot of fresh product news. Tell me why I should consider Rogers, not the same old news as your competition. Better product news great search engine placement.
3. Basic web rules missed, your blog using Wordpress Red Rogers is not verified with the three search engines. Overall structure of the blog is not highly developed for search engines.
4. Twitter and Facebook are only doorways into Social Media with a larger design your companies impact would out way your competition. Social Media as you are well aware has layers of applications not just Facebook and Twitter.
5. Site Traffic very low compared to your competition. Your customers are leaving your sites and head back to Google to search for Internet or cell service again. Mostly from Ontario and Toronto due to Population.
6. Your home site or Portal was not driving customer traffic or connecting customers with your social media sites. When we did find a link Errors using different web browsers. We tested 6 different web browsers.
7. 31 % of Virgin Mobile daily traffic is directly related to their web site placement of links to social media applications. Rogers traffic unable to measure.
8. The Forums do not self-sense the language of the visitor. No Search engine or Meta tags.

I hope this clears u p the fact that this was not the work of a social Blogger.
While Social Media may be considered new in Canada, we are not new in social media.

Social Media is a marketing forum deserving and requiring respect. That the Net is full of spammers is not news to anyone. As well, Rogers' unusual business practices are not news to anyone either.

However, it is disturbing to learn that Rogers, a leading Canadian corporation, embraces this particular kind of unwholesome business practice. While I'm not so concerned about their commenting on our posts using search engine catch phrases, I am annoyed that they use unethical social media practices to drive traffic to benefit their interests, albeit in an all-thumbs way.

I guess Rogers will incorporate this latest incident into their company's general "let them howl" customer service and public relations policy. They're on the right track, then. There will be howls.


2012年7月30日 星期一

Canada's Top Social Media Companies and Consultants In review

Our team was extremely encouraged by the pings and general feedback we got for our analysis of the top five telcos and their prowess (or lack of) in mastering the social media field. Thousands are following us even though we've just begun our series. Some of the feedback was from the telecos themselves. However, much of the feedback was from social media companies, SEO firms and consultants who are following our analysis with great gusto. They are right to be interested. I hope they can follow along as we have tried to make our synoposis as simple as possible.

Search Engine Placement Success or Failure

Most of the social media firms reviewed offer the sterling search engine placement promise. In simple English, the goal is to get your messages to show up on the search engine first pages. If done correctly, your messages can quickly attain the coveted first page placement on search engines by defined categories. This can be compared to having an ad on the front page of every newspaper in Canada. It's the Holy Grail sought on your behalf by companies we review here. Unfortunately, they make their clients wait and wait to catch the prize, that is, if they capture it for them at all.

By contrast, our previous article about the top five telcos' lack of success with social media showed up on the first pages of all selected search engines within a few hours of launch. We're not telling you that to advertise our services. We don't offer services, just free opinion. We use social media to share our views on social media, not for profit.

There's no secret sauce to accomplish first page placement. Knowledge and experience of how search engines work are important. But other fundamentals must also be in place. We looked at a variety of social media firms to see how they did on the fundamentals. Here's what we found.

Search Engine Verification

None of the so-called experts' sites we reviewed were set up for verification by the big three search engines. These firms are claiming on their web sites that that they are the best of the best in the social media arena. Their sites are supposed to advertise their skills and experience. However, these sites are not even competently sprung to allow search engines to index their sites. This is a clear case of leaving the cheese out of your mousetrap. How are search engines finding these firms' sites? The answer is, slowly and maybe eventually. So, if they can't get it straight for themselves, what kind of advice are they giving their paying clients? Taking social media guidance from these kinds of "experts" is like taking health advice from a fat doctor who smokes. Consultant, heal thyself.

Bots and Crawlers

Establishing verification for your site also enables search engine bots and crawlers in finding your site. Which brings me to another mistake on the part of these firms. Bots and crawlers need instruction when they hit your web site's front door code. Why haven't these experts used the proper code? That's what you should ask yourself before hiring them. In order to get your pages searchable the bots and crawlers need to be invited in. Simply put, they can't ring a doorbell that isn't there.

Web Sites

Most of the sites we reviewed closely resembled each other in appearance, layout and format. These firms almost all look like they are captives of cookie-cutter thinking. If that is their best presentation, what kind of sites do they advise their clients to establish? With surprising consistency, they relied on presenting the same series of terms, offers and site references. In fact, many use the same social media articles and reports that are easily found on the Web. You would think an expert would have an original opinion to share, based on social media expertise and creative outlook. I do not promote sites, however, there were some that stood out as interesting ones with fresh site presentation and original opinions. If you are looking at sites in search of potential social media expertise, I recommend looking for those with unique offerings and plain-English descriptions of how they solved problems and achieved success for their paying customers. Stay away from the one s that express themselves in high tech bamboozle lingo.

All the reviewed sites shout that their owners are the best in Canada or the world. Typically, there is a photo of the company principle(s) accompanied with promos for his or her next seminar, book they are reading and the like. Maybe their family and friends care, but why should you? And why would you pay to go to a seminar presented by someone who doesn't understand social media basics and hasn't applied them to their own web site. I found one site, a two-person shop, claiming to be the largest in Canada. Who are they subcontracting their massive amount of work to? No indication on their site. So, who are you really dealing with if you if you have a contract with this company? No indication on the site. If, as they claim, they are the best Canada has to offer, what does it say about the state of the industry in this country?

Why would I attend their seminar when it isn't clear what they have accomplished for their clients? Do they, for example, tell you how long it took their clients to get social media traction or how much? No, they don't. Showing a client list may demonstrate you have customers, but that's about it. Flaunting a client list is bad business practice. In the first place, you are revealing your customer base to your competitors. Second, it shows you have so little content of interest to convey that you rely on filling space with these lists. Finally, you may have a niche of customers, which means other potential clients may assume you only handle specific silos of interest.

A Bird a Book a Link and a Blog

Recently, I read Canada is a few years behind comparable countries when it comes to social media implementation. I can see why. For example, the overwhelming applications chosen by these companies are a bird, (Twitter) a book (Facebook), a link and a blog. That means they lean heavily on a few shopworn applications to define their social media architecture. This is a very skimpy tool kit to say the least. These applications are powerful, but if used improperly or in a limited way, they can actually net social media marketing failure. The use of these applications to reach the intended goal, getting top-of-page status on search engines, can actually backfire.

These companies have set up these overused and abused applications aiming to drive traffic to their clients' sites and gain followers. But their clients' content was promotional and ad-like. This is a fatal combination.

Here's why. If your content is all about product or service promotion and then set on the on the bird, book, link and blog track, your messages just swirl around in the Web ether, not gaining traffic or traction on the social media train. Why is that? Many enabling sites in the social media space, pure content sites in particular, do not like commercial promotion articles or other ad material. These are the sites that you really want on your side. These are the ones that have a mighty thrust when it comes to sending traffic from their site to others. The really useful ones won't do that if your content is blatant advertising. They reject brand names in articles or links to commercial content sites. Simple as that.

Effectively, the social marketing companies are placing their clients' content in the same crowded field as their customers' direct and indirect competitors. What's the result? Their clients' messages sink like a stone in the social media marketing pond.

Social media and SEO good practice is not a one-size-fits-all concept. Building an effective social media network requires deployment of applications and sites that get Web users to share your content. The idea is to create a network of existing and potential consumers to absorb and pass on your content to others.

Limiting yourself to bird, book, link and blog with immediately rejectable content should obviously be avoided. You are marketing so think like a marketer.

For example, there are hundreds of social network sites that function like Facebook, but targeted to specific demographic segments and/or niched interests, everything from travel and sports to parenting and dating. The advantage of using these sites in a marketing strategy is clear. The social media consultants we reviewed, locked as they are to a four-item list of applications, do not seem to know about these sites. Otherwise, they wouldn't keep hitting the Facebook gong and sending their clients' messages into a general rather than niched stream. Go to this link to see a good list of sites that are much better marketing vehicles http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_social_networking_websites. You will find very interesting information about social media sites listed by interest and category. All of them are FREE of charge.

Again, think like a marketer. If you are selling tea cozies, seek the attention of tea drinkers and teapot connoisseurs. Don't throw yourself into a giant space where people are hawking everything from salami to suds. If, for example, you are selling to a younger market, join a social media site that has a defined base of young adults. Many exist and are of surprising size. Interests tied to an age group can also be targeted through the proper social media applications. You can find lists of them by simply using a search engine. Maybe there are young people, age 15 to 24, who are mad about tea cozies. Find out before you launch your content or hand over your marketing dollars to the social media industry cabal.

Web 2.0

We all celebrate Web 2.0. This application refers to the second generation of the Web. It lets people with no specialized technical knowledge create their own web sites, self-publish, make and upload audio and video files, share photos and information and so on. They are meant to be accessible to non-technical users. That is their beauty. It's also how social media pirates take advantage of their clients. They exploit these applications, which anyone can learn how to use, and present them as a their skills and know-how package. Worse, they apply them without first creating a social media marketing strategy. That's how your tea cozy content winds up in the Web equivalent of Dry Gulch Nowhere.

Social Media Marketing Strategy Informs Content

Before setting out, you need a social media strategy, which is essentially an old fashion marketing strategy, set to exploit social media as a vehicle. Remember social media is ONLY the vehicle, not what dictates the message. At the core of your strategy is how to treat your messages, i.e., how to prepare content of compelling interest to your target audience. None of the sites reviewed talked about a marketing strategy as a starting point. I guess they don't know about it.

So before seeking assistance from a social media company, I would head to a PR firm or traditional media strategy group. If I had a smaller company with a limited budget, I'd head to the nearest post-secondary journalism or public relations school. Here you will find talented and interested students, all wired to the Web and social media. They are social media savvy, creative and will work for a lot less than the high priced guys downtown.

Your strategy will inform your content, as well as how it's written and where it's placed. Remember when you enter the social media sphere you need to keep feeding interesting writing in a non-sales format to your audience. For example, consider writing a blog on the art of crocheting the perfect tea cozy like the one granny used to make. Don't write a sales pitch on the merits of Acme Tea Cozies Inc. and pound away at the company brand. If only sales messages are delivered you will annoy and, in the worst case, repel your potential reader/customer. Like telemarketing or e-mail blasts, it will make your customer hate your brand. And, worst of all, you won't develop the golden following who will pass on your content and drive traffic to your web site, blogs etc.


Overall, Canada's prominent social media and SEO companies and consulting firms bombed out on social media basics. Their own web sites are startling examples of how they don't understand their own craft. They are not upfront about what they accomplish for their clients. In fact, they really are simply selling vaporware. For those readers who did not come out of the Dot-com era, it's "A term used to describe a piece of software that doesn't exist, is suspected not to exist, or is incapable of performing as promised". To put it another way, buyer beware.


The Surprising Truth About Home Business Leads

Home business leads are the sustenance to any home based business. If you don't have a steady stream of home based business leads, you don't have a business, you have a hobby.

Sadly, there are many myths and untruths floating around the internet as to the best way to get leads for your business. This article will dispel those rumors and guide you to the absolute truth on this subject.

Your business needs continuous exposure to new people in order to expand. And not exposure to random people, but a select targeted group of people.

Think about it...

After you've gone through all your family and friends, what's next Most of them won't join your company anyway because they haven't the foggiest idea what network marketing is about and they're plain not interested. In fact, they probably think you're a part of the ole "pyramid scheme".

Rather, how about speaking to people who are already comfortable with network marketing and love the concept; people you don't have to beg or attempt to persuade. Don't you think that would be more effective? Of course it would. Isn't that exactly the kind of home based business lead you want?
That way you've substantially improved the chances of them saying "YES" to joining your home based business when you present it to them.

Right now today there are over 63 million people in network marketing and thousands join daily. You will always have more than enough people to prospect.

Consider this...

If 95% of individuals bomb in network marketing, how many individuals do you suppose there are on any given day who are miserable with their mlm business, unhappy with their upline, miserable with the comp plan, or who quit the industry and are now wanting to get back in?

Don't overlook the millions of people who are now looking at network marketing because they've been badly hit by the financial system.

You see...

There are way too many people for you to expose your business to for you to have to BUY home business leads. That's the great LIE folks. Buying leads is a bad idea. It's a concept created by companies that only want to take your money and prey on the hopes that you never learn the TRUTH.

Do you know what type of leads you're getting when you buy them?

Picture this, you go into your local Wal-mart and you pick up the microphone and say: "Anyone that wants to be a millionaire, come to the front of the store now". What do you think would happen?

People would be crushed to death from the army of people running to the front of the store. That's your bought leads, my friend Simply folks browsing online who've raised their hand, filled out a survey and said, "oh yeah, I want to earn a million dollars online too, oh yeah, I want to me my own boss too."

Bottom line...

When you have the best system in place to attract home business leads to you for FREE, you don't ever need to buy them or chase them.


2012年7月29日 星期日

The perfect business trilogy

The concept of trilogy is similar to trinity, but trinity refers to divinity and it is a religious concept while trilogy refers to things and often to artistic works. Trilogy is a whole that is expressed in three parts and each part is a unit of its own and in itself. For example, it could be a movie or a novel that is produced/written in three separate parts but which plot is interconnected among those parts.

This article is titled the perfect business trilogy because it refers to the three businesses which I believe are the most effective and profitable in the world today. Furthermore, it shows how to combine these businesses in a perfect system to boost the profits and reduce the inherent risks found in any business or enterprise.

These three businesses are Internet Marketing, Real Estate and Trading. I will describe these businesses now and then I will show you the system. Let’s start with Internet Marketing.

Why I say that Internet Marketing is one of the most profitable businesses in the entire world. Simple. Just analyze the benefits . . .

1. You can start an online business virtually with no cash on hand.

2. You don’t need to purchase any equipment nor machines, except a computer with Internet connection.

3. You don’t need specialized knowledge nor previous experience.

4. You can do it from home.

5. You can be your own boss, choose your own schedule and working environment.

6. The profit potential is very high.

7. You can set these businesses on autopilot and receive passive income.

8. You can get multiple streams of residual income.

9. You can start within minutes.

10. You can reach a vast audience without ever having to deal with anybody personally.

If I would make a complete list of benefits I would need several sheets of paper. Most people have a logical reason to want to make money on the Internet. That reason is that these businesses offer big returns on time and money invested.

Think about how many hassles you would have to go through if you would want to start an offline business. In my opinion, the Internet beats 99% of other opportunities out there. The good thing about it is that anyone can do it. Anyone with enough passion and determination can turn their hobby into a profitable venture online.

Remember that there is not only one or two methods to make money on the Internet, but many. Bellow are just a few examples . . .

1. You can sell e-books and software.

2. You can be an affiliate.

3. You can sell advertising space from your websites.

4. You can sell items on online auctions.

5. You can sell web hosting and memberships.

These are just a few examples. There are many other businesses. I have just mentioned a few common and profitable Internet businesses here, but as you can see you have different options to choose from.

Now, the second business that I mention above is real estate. There are some simple and basic reasons why real estate is a very profitable business. One of the reasons is that we humans are reproducing too fast. Our specie is growing on the planet at an exaggerate rate.

Land can not be manufactured. We are running out of space which makes the price of land increase in value really fast. Also, few things can offer so much value to somebody as a house or an apartment unit. Shelter is one of the three basic needs. Everybody needs a place where they can live.

Usefulness plus scarcity equals high prices. Also supply and demand play an important role on that equation. The reason supply is scarce is exactly what I mentioned above: too many people on Earth.

Throughout history investing in real estate has being profitable because it is a useful tangible thing. Today we have the problem of over population which makes it even prettier. Investing is not the only way to make money on this business though. There are traders too.

A trader on this field basically flips properties. For example he may purchase a house with the intention of selling it back as soon as possible and realize the big profits quickly. Another thing they do is to buy in preconstruction.

With the price of houses increasing so fast, a trader/investor sometimes purchase properties with the intention of selling them quickly. Many investors sell the properties even before construction ends. They simply assign the contracts to other willing investors. Then the first investors make substantial profits without having to close on the deals themselves.

There are many different ways to make money on real estate. Here are just a few examples.

1. Buy rental properties and be a landlord.

2. Buy land that it is expected to appreciate in value. Wait a few years. Sell the land and buy more.

3. Flip properties. Buy in preconstruction and similar deals. Once the properties appreciate in value, sell them and buy more.

4. Buy discounted mortgage notes. This is part of the cash flow business. Purchase discounted mortgage notes cash. This way the investor controls the property without owning it.

5. Purchase tax certificates. Attend government auctions and buy land for pennies on the dollar.

6. Get a real estate license, become an agent and sell mansions. With prices so high today you don’t need to sell many properties to make good money this way. The draw back is that this is too competitive, but there is competition everywhere anyway.

7. Buy distressed properties, fix them and resell them.

Etc, etc, etc; you get the point. There are many things you can do. These are just ideas and comments. These are examples of what some business people do to make money in real estate. There are other possibilities, but I think these are the most common and profitable ones.

The third business is trading online. I am referring here to trading Forex (The Forex Exchange Market). Forex is very risky, hence the high claims of how profitable it can be. Maybe you have heard a lot of hype about Forex lately. This is basically the market where you can trade one currency for another. It is the world’s biggest and most liquid market today.

You can trade Forex from the comfort of your own home. In fact most online brokers allow you to open demo accounts today and try your strategies with play money before you compromise real capital. Trading is the third business that I mention on this trilogy. Bellow you can find more ideas about this concept.

It may take some time for you to learn how to be successful on these businesses, but the basic idea is to participate on all three of them. The main purpose of this article is to show you how these business can be profitable and relatively easy to implement.

If you could combine the profits from each you could further boost your income. For example, in my opinion, the safest of the businesses above is Internet Marketing. It requires relatively low investment or no investment at all. So, the idea is to start an online business that produces good profits for you. Once you are getting substantial income from your Internet Business you can proceed to learn how to trade successfully.

You can use part of the profits you get from your online business to trade online. Then part of the profits you get from trading and Internet Marketing can be used to purchase real estate.

This is a simple concept, but it can be very effective. Can you see why I think these are the most profitable businesses in the world? I give you generalized information here, but you can find more details in my other articles. I really think this is a perfect business trilogy. It is a method to combine three highly profitable businesses and increase your overall gains.



Affiliate Marketing-The way to make money online

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2012年7月28日 星期六

What is Affiliate Marketing or a Seasoned Affiliate Marketer

You can also do affiliate internet marketing by using your e-mail to send your friends and family to a company's website. What I love about carrying Google ads in my blogs is that I am busy building traffic to my affiliate marketing programs and at the same time I am getting paid for my affiliate marketing efforts. It has more merchants than any other affiliate marketing company today. Affiliate marketing is all about putting your fate into your own hands.

The only thing Dell lacks that can benefit affiliate marketing is great landing pages that explicitly outline the details of the coupon. The Pay-Per-Impression and Pay-Per-Click Model are not common to be used in Affiliate Marketing anymore. Affiliate marketing allows you to make a lot of money fast particularly if the products you sell are expensive, branded and much sought after. The basic premise of the online affiliate marketing program is that site owners can get money by encouraging people to join or pur chase from a number of large sites.

An affiliate marketing e-book that is easy to follow whether you are new to affiliate marketing or a seasoned affiliate marketer. To be successful, this does involve good marketing practices and a lot of hard work and dedication on the affiliate marketer's part. In any case, affiliate marketing is set up to be that of a finder's fee situation because you are bringing new businesses to the client. If you don't have a website you can still take come up with a good affiliate marketing strategy for yourself. Can help build your own list simply sending visitors to your affiliate websites through your affiliate URL is not good marketing. For more details go to www.scroll-pops.com .Again, having a website is not mandatory, but with the advantages presented, I'm glad I do have one, because it really makes affiliate marketing a lot easier for me. Again another avenue for affiliate marketing sprang up for selling access to these secrets f or the publishers.
A lot of hard work and dedication on the affiliate marketer's part but remember, without action, you cannot blame this affiliate marketing article or any article for that matter. In any case, affiliate marketing is set up to be that of a finder's fee situation because you are bringing new businesses to the client. If you don't have a website you can still take come up with a good affiliate marketing strategy for yourself. Affiliate marketing is quite complex, and it would be impossible on the limited space here to explain all you need to know to succeed in affiliate marketing.

They are also written in response to questions which I have been asked as well as address common challenges that people have with affiliate marketing, article marketing, and internet marketing or running an online business in general. For example: Learn exact answers to effective affiliate marketing methods by subscribing here. Almighty so there you have a brief history on me and a prim er on affiliate marketing. If you're marketing your affiliate program through cold calls, first of all, make sure you're targeting the right market. An extended amount of time is highly recommended in order to search the details of an appropriate affiliate internet marketing programs for your particular needs; implement the links; and monitor their activity. Always look closely at the affiliate marketing program pre-requisite. Take the time to analyze your affiliate marketing efforts and see if you are on the right track. These are in effect a combination between Affiliate Marketing and PPC marketing.

Build your own list simply sending visitors to your affiliate websites through your affiliate URL is not good marketing. Meanwhile, an affiliate-marketing network is a program that involves a network of individuals and organizations with the purpose of helping each other through affiliate marketing. Fill out a simple form, upload the banners and links and all the cre ative marketing resources that the poker affiliate program provides you and be ready to start.

These affiliate marketing article tips can be the most profitable affiliate internet marketing tips you ever learn and you are actually seeing this exciting method right here put into action within this article.

Affiliate marketing is a great way to start in making money online. Fill out a simple form, upload the banners and links and all the creative marketing resources that the poker affiliate program
provides you and be ready to start. Seventh among the Affiliate Marketing Tools for success, find some successful companies that use affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing is and how it works is how you'll know if this is the right place for you to be in. They are in the business of affiliate marketing. This can have some truth to it, but then most successful affiliates still believe that making use of strong marketing campaigns for their affi liate programs is still important. But if you are prepared to put that time and energy into your affiliate marketing business, then you will, in time, reap the rewards of all your hard work. Affiliate marketing is quite complex, and it would be impossible on the limited space here to explain all you need to know to succeed in affiliate marketing.

PPL or Pay-Per-Lead - In this, the affiliate is paid even when referrals do not necessarily become customers, but just join a program, request information or fill up questionnaires on the merchant website.


Affiliate Marketing Some of the Most Sought After Subjects on the Internet

Seventh among the Affiliate Marketing Tools for success, buy an affiliate marketing e-book that is easy to follow whether you are new to affiliate marketing or a seasoned affiliate marketer. Remember your task is to pre-sell which involves marketing and promoting your affiliate link to as many people as possible. To be successful, this does involve good marketing practices and a lot of hard work and dedication on the affiliate marketer's part. Key Term: Affiliate Marketing is a widespread method of promoting a website, in which an affiliate is rewarded for every visitor; subscriber and/or customer provided through his/her efforts.
However, remember, without action, you cannot blame this affiliate marketing article or any article for that matter.

A lot of hard work and dedication on the affiliate marketer's part but remember, without action, you cannot blame this affiliate marketing article or any article for that matter. In any case, affiliate marketing is set up to be that of a finder's fee situation because you are bringing new businesses to the client. If you don't have a website you can still take come up with a good affiliate marketing strategy for yourself. Affiliate marketing is quite complex, and it would be impossible on the limited space here to explain all you need to know to succeed in affiliate marketing.

Affiliate programs as an internet marketing strategy. Product Endorsement: You'll realize very quickly that the Affiliate Program is just a form of the Product Endorsement Joint Venture that we'll talk about now, so hopefully we have taken a commonly understood form of internet marketing and will begin now to expand the scope and your understanding. In Reselling you are taking the offensive, instead of the defensive approach to affiliate marketing or online advertising.

Affiliate marketing is not that simple. Truth: Affiliate networks are a powerful solution to the knowledgeable Internet Mar keting Merchants. Affiliate marketing programs are best alternatives to those who are sick and tired of their arduous daily work just to climb up the venerated corporate ladder. The PIPS is a service that supplies a complete website setup on your own domain name and hosting account, and promotes affiliate products from the best affiliate programs online, namely SFI, Empowers, Internet Marketing Centre, Internet Marketing Warriors / Host4Profit and Traffic Swarm.

They are also written in response to questions which I have been asked as well as address common challenges that people have with affiliate marketing, article marketing, and internet marketing or running an online business in general. For example: Learn exact answers to effective affiliate marketing methods by subscribing here. Almighty so there you have a brief history on me and a primer on affiliate marketing. If you're marketing your affiliate program through cold calls, first of all, make sure you're targeting the right market.

Affiliate programs as an internet marketing strategy. Product Endorsement: You'll realize very quickly that the Affiliate Program is just a form of the Product Endorsement Joint Venture that we'll talk about now, so hopefully we have taken a commonly understood form of internet marketing and will begin now to e xpand the scope, and your understanding. In Reselling you are taking the offensive, instead of the defensive approach to affiliate marketing or online advertising. While one can actually gain enormous success in affiliate marketing even without a website, it is a rare instance that "newbies" like you can reach the same levels of success.

The only thing Dell lacks that can benefit affiliate marketing is great landing pages that explicitly outline the details of the coupon. The Pay-Per-Impression and Pay-Per-Click Model are not common to be used in Affiliate Marketing anymore. Affiliate marketing allows you to make a lot of money fast particularly if the products you sell are expensive, branded and much sought after. The basic premise of the online poker affiliate marketing program is that site owners can get money by encouraging people to join or purchase from a number of large sites.

Most affiliate marketers are naturally go to promote best selling prod ucts in each category and the most popular category which love by most affiliate marketers is internet marketing / make money products. 2) Can help build your own list simply sending visitors to your affiliate websites through your affiliate URL is not good marketing. For your affiliate marketing website online, don't just post the referral links to the affiliate websites.

Also affiliate marketing is known as an agreement with affiliate networks and corporate websites owners wherein affiliates are allowed to promote the products and services via a variety of techniques involving ads, banners, affiliates links, text links, and written products reviews. Last but not least, one can work at home as a freelance affiliate marketing expert to earn instance cash. All you have to do is to immediately become familiar with affiliate marketing technique so that you could be able to accomplish your organizational goals and objectives successfully. Thus we have to say that affi liate marketing is amongst the most competitive and cost effective online marketing methods to make instant cash today.

PPC or Pay-Per-Click - Here, a fixed amount is earned by the affiliate every time a potential customer clicks on the merchant site's link from the affiliate site.


2012年7月27日 星期五

Affiliate Marketing You Need to Know to Succeed in Affiliate Marketing

Seventh among the Affiliate Marketing Tools for success, buy an affiliate marketing e-book that is easy to follow whether you are new to affiliate marketing or a seasoned affiliate marketer. Remember your task is to pre-sell which involves marketing and promoting your affiliate link to as many people as possible. To be successful, this does involve good marketing practices and a lot of hard work and dedication on the affiliate marketer's part. Key Term: Affiliate Marketing is a widespread method of promoting a website, in which an affiliate is rewarded for every visitor; subscriber and/or customer provided through his/her efforts.
However, remember, without action, you cannot blame this affiliate marketing article or any article for that matter.

You'll realize very quickly that the Affiliate Program
is just a form of the Product Endorsement Joint Venture that we'll talk about now, so hopefully we have taken a commonly understood form of internet market ing and will begin now to expand the scope, and your understanding.

Affiliate programs to be any less expensive than other means of online marketing. There are design principles that you must follow when you build your website to achieve success in affiliate marketing. As to how much money one can get from affiliate marketing actually depends on the affiliate. Be sure to listen to the affiliate marketing e-book recommendations made by people who have been involved in affiliate marketing for a number of years.

It is expected to become the 4th major type of Internet Marketing next to Affiliate Marketing, Search Engine Marketing and Search Engine Optimization within the next years. In affiliate marketing, the affiliate is compensated for every visitor, subscriber and/or customer provided through his efforts. Affiliate marketing is an easy way to start a business and make money because you don't have to worry about customer service or product creation. Whil e one can actually gain enormous success in affiliate marketing even without a website, it is a rare instance that "newbie's" like you can reach the same levels of success. Don't look at affiliate programs to be any less expensive than other means of online marketing.
An extended amount of time is highly recommended in order to search the details of an appropriate affiliate internet marketing programs for your particular needs; implement the links; and monitor their activity. Always look closely at the affiliate marketing program pre-requisite. Take the time to analyze your affiliate marketing efforts and see if you are on the right track. These are in effect a combination between Affiliate Marketing and PPC marketing.

Finding help and resources for making money online or by affiliate marketing are some of the most sought after subjects on the internet. But, affiliate marketing is not that simple. The PIPS is a service that supplies a complete website setup on your own domain name and hosting account, and promotes affiliate products from the best affiliate programs
online, namely SFI, Empowers, Internet Marketing Centre, Internet Marketing Warriors / Host4Profit and Traffic Swarm. Affiliate marketing is now a buzz wor d on the Internet arena; thus, it will not be very difficult for you to find an affiliate plan.

No doubt affiliate marketing can make you a lot of money, but if you want to be at the top of the food chain and make the kind of riches that the top guns make, you do need your own product. More Guidance" Cutting Through the Information and Finding the Right Program for You" Whether you have already decided on which affiliate network marketing program you are going to use to make money on the internet or you are still looking for more answers to your questions there is place where you can go to receive more help than you will from any actual program out there.

These affiliate marketing article instructions can be the most profitable affiliate internet marketing tips you ever learn and you are actually seeing this exciting method right here put into action within this article. No doubt affiliate marketing can make you a lot of money, but if you want to be at the top of the food chain and make the kind of riches that the top guns make, you do need your own product.

Google Adsense is actually some sort of an affiliate marketing program. Finding help and resources for making money online or by affiliate marketing are some of the most sought after subjects on the internet. But, affiliate marketing is not that simple. Affiliate marketing programs are best alternatives to those who are sick and tired of their arduous daily work just to climb up the venerated corporate ladder.

Most merchants allow links to their page in the form of text, images, text ads, banners or a combination of all of these. Some even supply you with advanced forms of linking such as search boxes, virtual stores, storefronts, and data feeds etc.


Green Packaging - Sustainable Product Packaging Solutions

The green trend is continuing to increase in power, especially now when studies and news reports keep coming out about the harmful effects of injecting factory and farm-raised animals with hormones, of pesticides that have seeped into our fruits and vegetables, of the different chemicals in our household domestic supplies, etc.

We see how using all of these different ingredients that hurt the environment in the different products that we ingest and are exposed to is having a very dangerous effect on our health. The development of life-threatening diseases, such as different types of cancers and other mutations, is being linked to these harmful substances that we are subjected to daily. This has motivated people to become more environmentally-conscious and to use more environmentally-friendly products, including green packaging.

Green Packaging for business

Just like other areas in the green industry, such as green food, green cleaning supplies, green cars , green energy, etc, green packaging is becoming increasingly more common. More and more packaging suppliers with a green slant are popping up, and an increasing number of established packaging suppliers are becoming more environmentally-friendly by selling an increasing range of green products. The different ways that these types of companies are becoming more eco-friendly is by using materials that are biodegradable and therefore sustainable, by using recycled materials and products, and by encouraging their customers to recycle the products that they buy from them.

Individuals can make a difference too

Green packaging companies are not the only ones that can help out the environment in this area. People can help, too, by employing green methods when doing their packaging. One of the ways that this can be accomplished is by reducing the amount of packaging that is used. They can also use the packaging materials that they receive on items again, using them instead of throwing them away, such as the different cushioning that comes with the shipped items, like bubblewrap and packaging paper.

Buy from Green Packaging companies

Another good way for individuals to support this green trend is to buy their packaging materials from green companies selling environmentally-friendly supplies. That way, they will be using products made from recycled materials, green packaging supplies that are biodegradable, and tree-less products made from sustainable materials They can also recycle these packaging materials if they have no use for them anymore or no place to store them instead of simply throwing them away. People who take steps to help the green movement when it concerns packaging often feel good that they are doing their part to help out the environment.


2012年7月25日 星期三

Should a small scale business utilize Social Media Marketing?

I have probably acquired a lot of questions on the idea of social media marketing these last few months as compared to any other topic. It is all the fuzz at this point in time.

So, precisely how do I regard Social Media Marketing? It is said to be the utilization of techniques and tools to more efficiently create relationship in the internet. It comprises services like Twitter, Facebook, and blogs to state a few.

Before I engage into internet social media, you have to consider what is happening with marketing as a whole. Regular marketing methods are disappearing. We have all been hearing news about the troubles of printed newspapers. And based on Yahoo Finance, 80% of the major newspapers are facing record deterioration in circulation. A lot have already exited the industry and television viewing as well.

We are experiencing a shift. Recommendations made by consumer opinions and personal acquisitions posted in the internet are now tagged as the most reputable forms of advertising all over the globe. This is in contrast to 15% who trust advertisements in local media. And the ad bucks are simply following the trend from offline going online. And see what is emerging in the internet? Facebook and Twitter are growing in bounds and leaps. The amount of visits to social media networking websites has increased more than half during the initial week of January this year. In the year 2009, he average teenager transmitted or sent over more than 50,000 text messages about sole message every moment.

You might have someone in your family doing anything to convince the rest of the members into engaging into Twitter. Or you may have a pal or an officemate who has suggested that you require being on Facebook. It materializes an effect. Internet users last year shelled out 20% of their online time on social networking sites tripling the amount of online time shelled out two years ago.

A particular group of you reading this might be wondering who has some time for this thing. And there's another pool of people who are already hooked.True enough the power of social media marketing has gone a long way. And one day, you'll realize the enormous benefits that it can supplement you. You just have to regard its importance and use it to its maximum capacity.


Blogging: “Are you Human”?

I am all for advanced technology when it helps to enrich our lives or make some tasks easier. However, when this same technology starts to replace humans, I think it has gone a bit too far. As an Internet Marketing Consultant, I obviously spend a lot to time on the Internet and spend way too much time having to prove that I am a human. Is it just me or do others find this a bit odd? With the use of Captchas on so many blogging sites, bookmarking sites, etc. I find myself wondering why and when being human became something we had to offer proof for.

A Captcha is defined as a type of challenge-response test used in computing to ensure that the response is not generated by a computer. In other words, unless we can prove otherwise, we are assumed to NOT be human. This is a rather peculiar twist on the innocent until proven guilty premise. The phrase challenge-response test in the definition of a Captcha is in many cases, extremely accurate. However, when the test q uestion is a simple addition problem such as what is 1 + 1, I have no problem passing and have a bit of resentment that this type of question is referred to as a challenge. Granted, many of us have lost our ability to do simple math because of the calculator, but 1 + 1? Even the mathematically-challenged adult can handle that one. But then there are those Captchas that cannot possibly be interpreted by a human. It sometimes takes me upwards of 5 tries before a non-human presents me with a Captcha I can still barely identify.

This brings me to the new concept in Internet Marketing called auto blogging (http://www.profitblogger.com/what-is-autoblogging-and-how-does-it-work/). This is a neat concept that makes it possible for bloggers to blog automatically. In other words, there is no need for a human to sort through the vast amount of information on the Internet that bombards us on a daily basis. There is a program that can do that for us. Personally, I dont subscr ibe to this kind of system because I like to assure that the content on my blog is valuable and also like to know whatI am posting. But I would like to thank those Internet Marketing Professional bloggers who do use automatic blogging and posted my press release announcing the launching of my new Internet Marketing website on their blog site. I cant help but wonder if a human would intentionally post the announcement of a competitors website.


2012年7月24日 星期二

Wordpress Autopost Plugins - Must in a Network Marketing Blog

The first appearance of WordPress did happen in 2003 and it has become very popular by now and is being used on thousands of websites hence. What is WordPress then? Well, it happens to be a simple open source blogging tool which is offered in two ways, either the hosted option or the free software download option. However, apart from this, WordPress brings to the fore many additional features as well and these are known as WordPress plugins. With these plugins, any individual can customize his blog to suit both the audience and the genre of his website.

What is the necessity of Wordpress autopost plugins then? As per experts, they are essential and the same is being felt among users these days. Network marketers do need the help of blogs since without a network marketing web presence there can't be any development these days and if you are thinking in that way, you are living in a fool's paradise. Time is running fast and changing as well and you have to cope with the changing reality hence.

It may be that you don't have your website or you can't afford any such for the moment. Don't worry, a blog is the best and/or easiest way to go then. While on one hand it is free and comparatively easy, it is the easiest way to go on the other hand. The presence of Wordpress autopost plugins will enhance the same to a great extent.
Effective network marketing blog

Effective network marketing blog has become the catchword in the marketing industry these days and lots of people are found to have more than one personal blog. Do you know their first preference? It is the same Wordpress, as it is easy and versatile, one of the most popular known till now and above all, Google has a strong affinity with it. You, owing to the frequent use of Wordpress autopost plugins, will be able to become determined to get traffic and on account of additional functionality, it can help you in several ways in the coming days.

All these indicate that Wordpress is one of the best ways that can ensure you to have an efficient network marketing blog as you begin to build your network marketing web presence.

Time to choose your theme

It's also the time to select your theme and you have to be wise in this context. This is also essential along with Wordpress autopost plugi ns. Do you know when Google crawls a blog it typically reads from left to right? This is a steady fact and the only reason is if you have a sidebar on the left with links, Google reads it first every time and considers it duplicate content.

Duplicate content is not good in any way and can affect your rankings and thereby your traffic in the search engines. Hence always go for a simple, easy to navigate theme with navigation bars on the right side allowing Google to read your new posts first. This will help to make sure an effective network marketing blog containing Wordpress autopost plugins.

You can autopost to Wordpress from any feed like Amazon products, eBay auctions, Yahoo Answers questions and answers, YouTube videos, articles and Clickbank ads.


Auto Traffic Tycoon

Auto Traffic Tycoon

Auto Traffic Tycoon Review

This Post is about Daniel Carter, Andrew + Chris Fox's Auto Traffic Tycoon Review Click below if you're looking for:

* Auto Traffic Tycoon Bonus <==(Get my HUGE Bonus Pack)
* Auto Traffic Tycoon Download Link

What is Auto Traffic Tycoon?

Auto Traffic Tycoon is a complete affiliate marketing system that has s

everal components into it to make it easy for you to automate the whole process of making money online. This system does not only work with Clickbank but also with other affiliate networks like Amazon, eBay etc. Really a complete solution from finding niche, building site and generating traffic automatically to earn the kind of income you are looking for.
Auto Traffic Tycoon Components

Auto Traffic Tycoon contains follow components to give you the best automation solution for affiliate marketing.

* Auto Traffic Tycoon So ftware
* Custom WordPress Theme
* Affiliate Marketing Training
* Keyword Research Software
* Content Creation Software
* Traffic Quake Software

I will explain each component in detail to give you the idea how each work.

Auto Traffic Tycoon Software

This is actually a site building software that really can build your site in some minutes only with some clicks. They will also provide you hosting. You just need to put in your domain name and your affiliates id for clickbank, amazon, ebay etc and you are done. Your site will be ready to go.

Auto Traffic Tycoon Custom WordPress Theme

Auto Traffic tycoon uses a custom wordpress theme where you can easily make changes if you want because of its user friendly interface. No need of any technical skills at all.

Auto Traffic Tycoon Affiliate Marketing Training

System also provides complete affiliate marketing training in a pdf fi le that will teach you everything from scratch. It will introduce you with different affiliate networks that you will use to take benefit from this whole system
Auto Traffic Tycoon Keyword Research Software

This is really a kind of unique keyword research tool that work with Amazon, Twitter, eBay and Google Trends to know what is current and hot right now so you can leverage on it. It also build keyword list from google wonder wheel. You just need to give it a keyword and it will return you several related keywords that you will use on your site.

Auto Traffic Tycoon Content Creation Software

Content Creation Tool is another effort to give an automate solution to your affiliate marketing business. This tool will create contents that you will use on your site. You can easily create high quality contents with this software that can include articles related to your keywords, videos and images.

Auto Traffic Tycoon Traffic Quake Software

This is a kind of Search Engine Optimization software that automate the process of of link building. It helps you to get links from .gov, .ed u and several high quality sites to boost your search engine ranking to get huge traffic to search engines. This software alone is worth the money because the way it works is incredible.
My Conclusion for Auto Traffic Tycoon

I am really impressed from all the tools that are included in the system. Each automation tool is worth the money itself. I really recommend you to get auto traffic tycoon system copy to earn the kind of income you are looking for. You really have nothing to do but to press buttons to do all the stuff, Really an extreme level of automation that this system is providing. You have nothing to lose as this comes with 60 days money back guarantee.

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Site Monetization Techniques And Tactical Approaches

If you are just starting out, then you have to find out if product development or affiliate marketing is for you. Either strategy is fine, but marketing products or services as an affiliate takes a lot of the stress off. There are a handful of typical monetization systems that most people are likely to use. If you choose to do this, then always test out your offers, and don't rush choosing the products you want to advertise. However, you can damage your own attempts if you go overboard with offering too many choices for your readers. You really want people to be interested on your site, and hitting them with too much will be counter-productive.

Discover this particular powerful autoblogging plugin for Wordpress weblogs. Automatically publish Youtube Movies, Amazon Products, eBay online auctions, Clickbank advertisements and much more to your site without lifting a hand. Lean back, feet upward and have a coffee and let WP Robot weblog all day long for you personally ! WP Robot : The only way to blog, hands-free and earning money!!!

Just in the event you are unaware, you can discover products to market at Shareasale, Commisson Junction, Amazon not to mention Clickbank. There are a great many products and services to sell you can never hope to do it all. The attraction with affiliate marketing is all you have to do is market. The rest is taken care of including billing, refunds, shipping and whatever else. The best approach is to discover a market, or niche, that spends cash and match them with a strong product or service.
The other major sector of marketing is made up of using passive profits methods. There are several dozen contextual ad sites, but Adsense is the oldest and most well known among them. Adsense additionally has the greatest payout per click, as well, and naturally they have massive support material in place. The important thing regarding Adsense is there is a fair amount to know if you really want to do it right. With the proper information and energy, you can even today make a great deal of money with Adsense.

Do not neglect that establishing an email list is a monetizing process even though it is not a direct sale. You could easily and suitably integrate list building and marketing with different site monetization methods. You have to look at your market and what you are marketing because not all areas work effectively with email marketing. But seriously it all depends on the market and the unique products you are promoting. Clickbank and digital download goo ds are customized for email marketing. So if you choose to offer digital products, then we very strongly propose you include list building and email marketing.

Income that comes about every month like clockwork is precisely why membership sites are so great. What is exciting about this model is you could get very creative with it. A lot of people may come to feel intimidated by this, but once you break it down you will observe it is pretty easy. The math is very easy because you do not need but several hundred members to develop between one and two thousand a month. One hundred or perhaps two hundred subscribers is easier than you think. You can achieve several hundred with far more time and effort. Consequently, the good part is you can repeat this process in other areas, too.

Discover this powerful auto blogging plugin for Wordpress sites. Automatically post Youtube Movies, Amazon Products, eBay auctions, Clickbank ads and much more to your blog witho ut raising a finger. Lean back again, feet upward and possess a coffee as well as let WP Robot blog all day time long for you personally! WP Robot : The only method to blog, hands free and making money!!!


2012年7月23日 星期一

AutoBlog Samurai Review-Discover How This Piece of Software Can Solve Some of the Most Frustrating Problems in Affiliate Marketing

Before I get into the details about AutoBlog Samurai, let me give you the reason why you might just need it in first place.

The Struggle in Affiliate Marketing: It has been couple of months since you have started in web business. Before you took this step, you heard how folks are raking thousands of bucks on the web. All of these and great future of web gave you enough hope and confidence to start on internet marketing.

Currently, when you are looking at your earnings account, the earning numbers are not encouraging. Your hope is shaking. You now doubt all those claims and promises by so-called Gurus. You say to yourself in frustration "What Should I do next?"

In your capacity, you have spent enough money and time to see the results go your way. Then what is the major reason that is causing you and thousand others to fail at this internet marketing.

To be especially truthful with you, I also do not have the particular answer. I can just presume based essentially on my experience in internet marketing particularly affiliate marketing.

The Strategy in Affiliate Marketing That Almost Every Body Uses but Seldom Does It Work: It is extremely regular for someone that starts out in affiliate marketing to do the following:

a) Get a site name b) They chose to promote a product as an affiliate c) Pitch the product using different methods like Paid Advertising and Article marketing? D) Redirect the site directly to the offer or build review site around it.

The above strategy should work, if you have the great product and you understand your competition well.

Nevertheless most of the times, we are so involved in promoting the product that we forget to do appraise some of the fundamentals like:

Do you have the enough resources to beat the competition: Let me illustrate this with an example? Let us say, you choose to build a review internet site on the product you are pushing; you hope that your internet site will rank well in search engines and will bring you free traffic. Nonetheless, when you see that you site is way down the list, you become exasperated. You are not making sales. However , did you know your competitors is thrashing you because they'd long term plan and cash to spend on tools and software that optimised their site well that would enable them to rank high in search engines?

It is of uttermost importance you need to have something to fall on as another earnings source when you are going through this trail and inaccuracy phase in your business. This is would relieve you of the giant pressure to earn money.

AutoBlogging Could Be Your Saviour: There are options when it comes to forming another source of income. Out of that, one could be autoblogging. If you have not heard of autoblogging, it is means when you create a blog, your blog would receive the content on automated basis from various sources such as video sites, article directories and much more.

This would mean your blog would be fresh with new content on daily basis. If autoblogging is done in proper way, it could bring consistent visitors to your site.

Then this blog could be monetized by the placing ads and various affiliate offers. You will also build list with this tactic.

The main advantage with this method is that you can build hundreds of autoblogs in very short span of time. Then these autoblogs would generate consistent income for you without you putting too much of your time.

What AutoBlog Samurai offers: When it comes to autoblogging, new software in the form of "Autoblog Samurai" has Paul Poona. This new software has incredible features, which would take your autoblogging to the next level .Some of those features are:

3in1 software will automatically create "unique content" and post it on blogger and wordpress blogs... The user can create MULTIPLE profitable blogs in minutes and build long lasting multiple income streams in minutes.


Auto Power Blogs Review

Would you like to learn how to start your own small business automated blog system using the Auto Power Blogs program? When I first came across this product, I instantly recognized all of its owners and had made a lot of money before using the Auto Coupon Cash system made by Tom Bell.

The other two owners are also experienced Internet marketers Brian Koz and Shawn Casey, both of whom have also made their names as super affiliate marketers. However, I had not tried any of their products and but still went ahead to get the Auto Power Blogs package to try it out.

How is the Auto Power Blogs Product Different From Most Other Internet Marketing Products?

This program is not very hyped up like most other Internet marketing products that make tons of promises but do not really tell you what their product is all about. Tom Bell and his team explains very clearly what his new product is all about and how he can help his members create their blogging empire using the readymade tools that he provides in his membership area. This blogging platform creates high quality blogs that users will love and also get optimized to rank very well in the search engines.
What are the Types of Blogs That You Can Learn to Generate When Using Auto Power Blogs?

One of the most important issues that Tom highlights is the fact that you really need to know how to make your blogs valuable in order to have long term success with this system. Too many gurus teach their members to generate quick money by teaching methods to create really poor quality blogs that get bumped out of the search engines within weeks or even days.

How Does the Auto Power Blogs System Ensure that Your Sites Provide Value to Your Visitors and Google?

This is certainly not something that the owners of this new auto-blogging program want their members to end up doing. By responding to the changes in search engines' algorithm such as Google's, this system puts a lot of emphasis on having higher quality content and being able to do so at a very low cost.


2012年7月22日 星期日

Proven Steps To Successful Facebook Marketing

The numbers of established users at Facebook only continues to increase and is now something near six hundred million people. There are so many excellent reasons for any web marketer to be there. There are incredible numbers of people making use of Facebook irrespective of the time of day. We have viewed the ads there for several years, and that is good for online businesses because Facebook users are not shocked to see the ads. All you will want to do is put all that together, and you will see why it is so great for web marketers. There is far more you can do with your marketing and advertising at Facebook besides running promotions. The business networking environment at Facebook is just insanely large and holds great opportunity for profit.

Discover this particular powerful auto blogging plugin with regard to Wordpress sites. Automatically post Youtube Videos, Amazon Items, eBay auctions, Clickbank ads and much more to your site without raising a hand. Lean back again, feet up and have a coffee and let Wordpress Robot weblog all day time long for you! WP Robot : The only method to blog, hands-free and earning money!!!

Fan pages have been raging for well over a year, but we have the feeling that not every marketer is choosing to make use of it. We have been contemplating about what can be achieved with business fan pages. In the interest of security, we also realize that some online marketers create multiple accounts so they can have dedicated fan pages per account. That is something you should take into consideration for obvious points. Fan pages are devices for relationship marketing as well as business networking. You can brand your self very effectively with the skilled use of fan pages. So you have to take relationship marketing seriously when you select to use a fan page.
Try to get away from engaging in hype marketing on your fan pages. You want to appeal to and keep other Facebook users, and more and more people today are really tired of all the hype associated with online marketing. You could get the same thing done, and better, without resorting to hype content or tactics. When you're working toward creating positive relationships with people, then it is clear to be aware that no hype needs to occur. The very ideal tactic is to always be sincere and helpful. If people feel you are trying to help them with valuable information, then they will stick with you. You can create something truly solid with that approach. You at the same time want word of mouth advertising, and that is the very best means to get it.

Make an effort to be diverse with your marketing by providing special offerings. If you are able to manage to help people feel like they are being taken care of exceptionally well by you, then that is a great kudo for y ou. Don your research cap and go out there and bring home some great discounts and other offers. How about producing things like a devoted customer, or fan, card; even though it is digital it doesn't matter. See if you can discover any sort of apps that are relevant for your fan page. Contests are huge on the radio for good reason - they work; so think of something fun for a contest a couple of times a month. What you want to do is enlist your fans in a real way. The way to build relationships is to be active with people, and you can very easily do that so your fan page gets to be sticky.

Uncover this powerful auto blogging plugin with regard to Wordpress weblogs. Automatically publish Youtube Videos, Amazon Items, eBay online auctions, Clickbank advertisements and a lot more to your blog without lifting a finger. Lean back, feet up and have a coffee as well as let Wordpress Robot weblog all day time long for you! WP Robot : The only way to blog, hands free and e arning money!!!
