2012年11月5日 星期一

Make Lots of Money Online

What everyone wants

Everyone would like to cash in on the big jackpot of internet instant success. Everyone also wants to earn easy money online and make fast, free money online. However, is this realistic? You will find many offers and programs on the web that say do this and make 5 figures a month in no time. The problem is that it only does this for the person selling the product or plan to you. Scams are definitely an important concern in this area.

However, we do find people making a living off of the web and doing very well at it. Allen Gardyne has made a very good living off of affiliate marketing. He even has website which a leader of affiliate marketing information and advice. He started small and built it up. His accountant saw his earnings and was so intrigued that he asked Gardyne how to do it. Gardyne told him to use SBI (Site Build It!) and he did and was very successful with it.

Even teens make money online. Nori Evoy made a website about Anguilla and she now complains that she is bored. Making money is too easy.

The Reality

The reality for most people that try the get rich quick schemes or jump into the Internet without a plan is that they often fail miserably. Often they have spent a lot of time and money and have had little return for their efforts. It's important to know what counts in order to make the web your money source.

What you really need to succeed at making money on the internet is the following:

knowledge of the business and marketing aspects of a website before you try to build any type of site

the ability to produce an attractive and informative website

SEO (search engine optimization) knowledge and tools to be able determine what site to make and to get ready to buy customers to your site

Let's also add blood, sweat and tears. What I mean is that you have to apply yourself seriously and be prepared to work and stick to it. Thomas Edison said that success in inventions is 5% inspiration and 95% perspiration.

A System that Really Works

SBI (Site Build It!) is a total system for developing an online business. It advocates an ordered, steady plan to achieve success.

SBI consists of:

a powerful business philosophy expressed in simple and useful terms. CTPM, content -> traffic -> presell -> monetize
a wealth of documentation and videos about every aspect of building an effective Internet business. It includes valuable eBooks that teach you how to write articles that presell, how to sell effectively, how to build links that work and much more
a 10 day step by step plan in either video or document format
simple to use tools that support both the beginner and the web designer pro. You don't have to be technical at all to develop a site
programs and tools that do the SEO job including a powerful keyword analyzing tool, traffic reports, support for web 2.0 features, web mail, and responders and more
web hosting
an active and helpful user community that follows SBI's philosophy of getting help and giving help proactively in return

Advice is provided at every level of your involvement. You are never left hanging. They even provide SBI coaches that are experts in the system to get you over a hump if necessary.

Are There Other Alternatives to SBI

SBI costs a couple of hundred dollars a year for each domain that a user wants to create. If a person has become expert, they can develop websites without any special tools and can create their own collection of free and paid support software. They may not need all the in depth knowledge that SBI provides because they have already learned it from their experience. The user support group can be somewhat replaced by sites such as the Warrior forum and Google searches. These people may do as well as people using SBI or even better.

However, SBI's track record of placing websites created in their system in the top tiers of all websites speaks for itself. Many webmasters have switched to SBI and h ave seen great success in their efforts.

New users especially will benefit from SBI because they will be able to do everything by themselves in a complete, self contained package. They will learn all the ropes in a enlightening and profitable endeavor.


SBI has detailed information, tools and support for all sorts of monetization models.

They support the following models:

Infopreneur - income from affiliate sales and Google or other adsense ads

Hard Goods Creators/Sellers - advertising, sales and fulfillment suport

Affiliate Businesses - affiliates sell your product

Service Businesses - more clients to your service

Local Offline Businesses - enhanced advertisement and selling techniques

Referrers/Finders - get the customers on your site and forward them to the dealer and get a finders fee

Web Professionals - create effective and profitable website quickly and easily

Net Auction Sellers

Network Marketing (MLM)

E-goods Creators/Sellers - mailing list maintenance, web payment tools

Sales and Rental Agents

Existing E-businesses

AdSense/Other Ad Strategies


SBI does the trick for the majority of those interested in making money online in a proven, systematic way with great support and a great system backing you up. The cost of the system is far outweighed by the benefits.


