2012年12月1日 星期六

Top 10 Biggest Red Hot High Profit Niches to Consider

Have you found the right niche yet?

If there is one common problem that all Newbies share in the Affiliate Marketing arena it is the arduous and daunting task of finding the right niche to start out with. I have seen many struggle and experienced the same myself banging my head on the desk in frustration, trying to find the perfect high profit niche.

In my last article "Affiliate Marketing, Mining the Profitable Niche", (please read if you have not already done so) I talked about the "evergreen" niches. Huge market niches that have always worked well and have big cash potential; there are always new customers and a vast product selection constantly renewing to supply the hungry mobs. Even as a beginner I recommend starting in one of these hot beds of activity. There may be lots of competition but the income potential is enormous.

Making Money Online

This is the big grand daddy classic double whopper where some staggering earning numbers come from. It is also the most highly competitive market. Consider cutting your teeth elsewhere as this market can be very hard to stand out in.

Weight Lose

There are always people that need to lose weight, many times they buy several products in this niche and there is always an endless stream of new comers as well. Therefore email marketing is very effective here to capture all that resale potential of different products to the same group. It is truly as "evergreen" as a market gets.

Muscle Building

The customer potential and marketing strategy is much the same as the weight lose niche. This may require a little more technical know how on your part as to how people build and tone certain muscle groups like abs, biceps, quads, calf or back.

Dog Training

This can often be one of those "crisis" niches where people may be experiencing some very serious issues. Uncontrollable dogs can put family members, visitors, neighbours and other pets in danger which can lead to some serious legal issues. Whether it be serious aggression issues of biting and chasing cars or the more basic annoying issues of barking, digging, chewing things or house training, they all tend to be rather urgent issues that the owner needs to solve sooner rather than later.


Take note of all the ads on TV, countless online dating sites haul in millions each year because of all the lonely people looking for companionship. This is a niche that is a little less serious than the previous, one can have some fun here.

Save Your Marriage

This is the big "crisis" niche. Divorce rates are higher than ever and just about everybody experiences relationship problems at some time in their life. Millions of people are looking for immediate affordable advice online.


This is an interesting niche as the reasons that people want or need to learn languages is so diverse. They run the gambit of those new to a country to those going on holiday. From the people in jobs dealing with foreign speaking clients to those looking to expand their knowledge. There is a huge demand for learning languages and of course the number of languages so vast.

Green Energy

As energy costs continue to spiral upwards so does the interest of consumers looking for cheaper and cleaner alternatives in the do it yourself market. As well the more talk there is about the effects of current energy production and pollution of the environment, the more popular the idea becomes.

You should posses an aptitude for the technical in this niche as the primary topics here will be wind, solar, and hydro power generation. It will also include other topics like making your own fuel, making your house energy savings smart and many other energy savings topics.

Interesting and popular, but somewhat "techie".

Satellite TV for Your PC

This is a very popular and profitable niche showing people around the world how to get TV programs on their PC for the cheap.

Honestly you lose me here, I don't know a lot about it. I have never chosen to follow this niche because the law seems a little cloudy here and it is something under constant review by the regulating authorities akin to the music industry free download sites in some ways.

I prefer to be involved in a strong market with a proven history and a long, strong future. That is only my opinion! Many people make a lot of money in this popular niche.

Business Opportunities

This covers a variety of general business topics such as marketing on eBay, franchising, arts and crafts, garage sales, etc. There are many ideas that fall into this huge and highly profitable category.

Affiliate marketing, by it's very nature, can be accomplished in any niche that sells products or services online. As such, when you start affiliate marketing your first task has got to be deciding which niche or sub-niche to tackle first.

Now before you get confused, a niche is just any topic - popular ones include pets, travel, music, games, business, etc. These can then be broken down into sub-niches; computer games, board games and adult games, for instance, are all sub-niches relevant to the games niche. Similarly cruises, driving tours, scuba trips and air holidays would all be sub-niches of the travel niche.

When people first set out to start affiliate marketing, the first affiliate information they usually run into is about the online marketing niche - this is only natural since these tend to be promoted by the super-affiliates, so they're better at getting the word out than say a dog groomer would be. But the truth is that unless one has a very strong background in marketing or is hiring a mentor to get them started right, the much bigger niches will most likely be more profitable and less competitive.

But then how should you decide? First, what are your own personal interests and work experience? If you choose a topic you're already knowledgeable in or one you're truly passionate about, it will be much easier to persevere through those tougher initial stages of niche affiliate marketing. Do you love horses? Boating? Golfing or skiing? Start by choosing 2 or 3 things you like, make a note of them and then start checking to see if they're popular and profitable online.

Start at the search engines - when you put your topic in and look at the results, are there many paid ads that come up with or beside the listings? If so, chances are people are making money in that niche. Next, check the article directories for that same term - are people writing and submitting articles about your topic? Again, if so, they're probably looking to capture targeted traffic they already know is looking for information on your niche.

Next, go to the big affiliate directories like ClickBank and LinkShare - do they offer a variety of products and services that are targeted at people interested in your topic? If so, that's another plus. But don't just assume - actually check to see. Niches as tight as learning to play piano by ear can have profitable results online, so don't feel you have to aim for the huge niches - in fact the bigger your niche, the better it is to target specific sub-niches within it instead of trying to compete for the top category.

If all three expert sources - the search engines, the article directories and the affiliate directories - all show promising results, chances are you've picked a good niche or sub-niche to start niche affiliate marketing in. Follow the common procedures used to start affiliate marketing and work to learn your craft! And remember, no matter how good a marketer you are, or how passionate your are about a topic, you're not going to succeed every time out of the gate.

But that's one of the many benefits of being a niche affiliate marketer - since you're not tied to any one product or merchant, you're free to move on to other products, sub-niches or entire niches when any attempt doesn't pan out!


All of the above category niches are the huge "evergreen" proven markets. The competition is big, the market huge (and renewing every day) and the profit potential staggering. The most important thing here, to keep in mind is that each of these markets is so big that there is great opportunity to do your research and work in the dozens of highly profitable but targeted sub-niches. Read industry specific Forums and Blogs, establish a common question then target your (sub-category) audience.

Affiliate marketing is all about pinpointing the right niche - the one that you're willing to pour hours of your life into. Yet, at a certain point, you need to choose one in which you'll be able to find solid, willing prospects. Start here and you'll see results much quicker.


